Coring & Material Testing

Our coring crews typically operate the Xcalibre T4 coring rig, we have recently made another addition to our coring fleet with the view of attaining more rigs as the demand for our services increase. We offer an extensive range of coring services which can be tailored to meet the needs of our clients. Our core log reports, testing and analysis are there to provide our clients with the information they need. We begin this process by extracting core samples for analysis. This typically involves identifying bituminous material, and it is during this process that the samples are investigated for coal tar. Once this stage is complete the core log reports are then sent back to our clients with all the relevant information and findings.

Our range of services include:
  • PAK Testing and CSS Tar Analysis
  • Waste Acceptable (WAC) Test
  • Core Log Reports
  • Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)
  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
Our History

Established in 1978 near Brentwood Essex, Triplex began its early life working in the water jetting industry, supporting bridge, dock and drainage works in Essex and London. Come the 1980’s, the grassroots of traffic management began to take seed, although at this time it was simply referred to as “road works.” During the mid-90’s Triplex’s soul focus was Traffic Management & Coring, and it remains so to this very day.

Our Ethos

At Triplex Traffic Management we value quality, safety and respect. Our task is to unite the skills and attributes of our workforce with the promise to provide a professional, safe and quality level of service. We are strongly committed to reducing our carbon footprint and overall impact on the environment by ensuring that our environmental policies are both comprehensive and proactive.

Our Clients

Over the decades, quality customer service has been at the forefront of our business strategy. We ensure that our clients, old or new, receive the same level of quality, professionalism and safety throughout our service.

Reach out with any questions you have

Our offices

Unit 6 Codham Hall, Great Warley,
Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3FB

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